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XTRActive vs Neox Transitions lenses

XTRActive vs Neox Transitions lenses - Heavyglare Eyewear

Grant Lambert |

When it comes to eyewear, it is very important to choose the right sun transition lenses; different times of the day or even the event. With a variety to pick from, let us get to discuss the differences of XTRActive vs Neox transitions lenses .Also Read: What are polarizing sunglasses The Neox transition prescription sunglasses are perfectly designed for specifically the golf course. The Neox photochromic right sun lenses improves optical performance by giving an increased depth perception, superior clarity and an enhanced distance vision while adjusting to varying light intensity. Unlike other sunglasses, this type does not distort the color, object or even the depth of the field making it just perfect for golfing. [caption id="attachment_4308" align="aligncenter" skip="391"] NEOX Transitions Lenses[/caption]Also Read: What color contact lens should you get On the other hand, transitions XTRActive lenses are engineered perfectly for use both indoors and outdoors all day. This means that they can also adapt well to varying light. This lenses has a light activated tint that also works behind the windscreen by protecting your eyes from extreme light when driving. Anywhere you go, the XTRActive lenses are tailored to protect your eyes from the brightest sunlight as well as harsh artificial lights. [caption id="attachment_4309" align="aligncenter" skip="425"] XTRActive Transitions Lenses[/caption]Also Read: What is polarized eyewear Mutually the XTRActive transitions lenses and the NEOX lenses came in different colors that change tint in reference to the amount of brightness. Since transitions make only lenses, for the essilor XTRActive lenses one can choose from a wide range of interesting frames while the NEOX are made solely in Callaway frames. These two types of lenses are tailored to suit a wide range of prescriptions and are also available in non-prescriptions.Also Read: How do transition lenses work Both the Neox and the XTRActive transitions lenses came in different colors. The XTRActive lenses came in gray, brown and graphite green while the Neox came in a technical combination of amber and green colors which research provides that it is the most favorable color for enriched clarity, comfort and depth perception. This majorly the ultimate coziness and protection that you deserve.Also Read: How do eyeglasses and contact lenses work To your own advantage, NEOX and XTRActive transitions lenses actively supports the natural eye sun-blockers and ensures a long term optical health. It filters out the main wavelengths that stresses out the eyes primary vision center. This allows them the ability to improve the eyes defense against the development of any type of degenerative eye problem or condition that can lead to the damaging of your vision. [caption id="attachment_4310" align="alignnone" skip="1147"] Callaway Sunglasses use NEOX transitions lenses[/caption] Callaway sunglasses use the NEOX transitions lensesAlso Read: How you get blue tag light More benefits of the Neox transitions lenses or transition prescription sunglasses is that they block 100 percent UVA/B. They also block the blue light that once it enters the eye scatters consequently causing blur and fatigue. This feature ensures for brittle vision outdoors and better night since the exposure to blue light during the day prevents quick eye adjustment to light. Similarly, XTRActive lenses block 100 percent of UVA AND UVB sun rays. This may perhaps help in the avoidance of eye diseases or conditions that are cause by too much exposure to either UVA, UVB or HEV light rays.Also Read: What is a uv ray There you have it, transition XTRActive lenses vs Neox lenses. Both very useful and relevant in different scenarios to protect your eyes from harmful sun rays or light.Also Read: What are photochromic polarized sunglasses Note: Photochromic polarized glasses, here photochromic is the generic term used to describe Transitions lenses.