Digital Surfacing

Digital Prescription Lenses

Don't be fooled by other retailers that call their lenses "digital". Make sure you're getting a truly digitally surfaced lens, not just another catchphrase. Digitally surfaced prescription lenses are one of the most exciting breakthroughs in modern personal optics. When you order a digital prescription lens from Sunray Optical, be assured that you are getting a lens using the latest in direct digital surfacing techniques.

The eye care sector is continually developing as a result of technological breakthroughs. As an optical lab, we prioritize giving our clients the greatest goods, services, and value. Featuring digital surfacing, which provides more clarity than ever before.


What is Digital Surfacing? 

The phrase "digital surfacing" refers to the technique of transferring an optical design to the surface of a lens. Simple, single vision lenses may be created using digital surfacing as complicated progressive surfaces. Lens design, equipment, a lab management system, and lens design software are important components of digital lens manufacture and performance.

What Is So Special About This New Technology?

The main argument for using digital surfacing is that it gives the user an accurate prescription, avoiding going to the nearest setting. Traditional lenses have given way to "free-form" lenses that consider frame fitting position, prescription, vertex distance, pantoscopic tilt, and eye movement patterns. Digital surfacing techniques increase overall clarity and peripheral vision. They are said to be substantially more precise and have a larger range of visual channels.

Traditionally conventional manufactured lenses have a back surface with one, or two curves, depending on if you have astigmatism. Each of these curves has a continuous radius, meaning that the rate of curvature does not change from the center of the lens to the edge. Due to this the center of the lens is the sharpest point, and the prescription degrades as your eye moves off-center.

By using new manufacturing techniques and more powerful computers,
lens manufacturers are able to make truly custom lenses.

Digitally surfaced lenses use these new technologies to create a lens with an aspheric/atoric backside. This means that the rate of curve changes from the center of the lens outward to accommodate the change in distance and angle of your eye to various points of the lens, optimizing the prescription throughout the entire lens.

A Scope for Versatility

Though we might take modern technology for granted at times, it's crucial to highlight the technological benefits of digital surfacing. The surface designs are digitally stored and adjusted as needed depending on patient and frame data when the lens is manufactured. The computer interprets the prescription data and operates the lathe that makes the patient's lenses. Digital lenses are a versatile option due to the endless prescriptions made with the latest digital technology, providing personalized solutions for sports, hobbies, reading, and computer usage.

You will get much better visual acuity with digital surfacing in you everyday wear. But when you get wrapped prescription eyewear you will be amazed at what you have been missing. When a lens is surfaced digitally from the backside we are able to get a much larger viewing area along with keeping the lens looking like a stock sunglass lens. This keeps the thickness to the back of the frame instead of coming out the front.

Benefits For Those Who Wear Progressive Lenses

Nearly every patient who needs prescription lenses will benefit from digitally surfaced lenses over traditional lenses. Those who require progressive lenses, particularly those with high prescriptions and astigmatism, reap the most benefits. Not only are they provided with a larger range of vision and better precision, but the lenses may also be manufactured in a lighter, more comfortable manner and employed in a wider choice of lenses and designs.

These lenses have the additional benefit of putting the progressive addition of a multifocal lens on the back of the lens as well, as opposed to the front, which is the case with conventional progressives. This brings the reading addition closer to the eye, widening the useable fields. Certain models, such as the Shamir Autograph go further, customizing the distance your eye travels from your far vision to your near vision based on the frame measurements. This technology lets us put stronger prescriptions than previously possible into wrapped frames as well, benefiting single-vision and progressive wearers alike. Due to the high degree of accuracy this new technology provides, we are now able to make lenses with a tolerance of .01 diopter, whereas previously, the margin of error was .12 diopters.

The Future of Digital Surfacing

Digital surfacing has been around for a while now, but it is quickly becoming the industry standard for optical laboratories and eye care professionals. It is only one component of a larger trend in optical labs toward better efficiency, precision, and adaptability. That being said, not all laboratories are created equal in terms of the products they generate and the services they provide. Heavyglare is dedicated to offering the most technologically sophisticated services and customized customer care. We adopt a hands-on, human approach to providing our clients with the best optical goods and services.