Electric Ambassador: Maddison Rothery

Electric Ambassador: Maddison Rothery

Grant Lambert |

As with many eyewear brands in the action sports industry, most have team riders that sponsor their brand within different sports arenas: surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, skiing, etc using prescription sunglasses . Some brands also sponsor individuals in the industry that do not specialize in a specific athletic talent, but may hone other skills such as photography, fashion design, music, volunteering, and more. This group of people are known as Ambassador's for the brand, and Electric Visual never falls short of showing their support for Ambassador's.

Maddison Rothery sunglasses electric

Photographer, Maddison Rothery, originally hails from Leucadia, California but now resides in Los Angeles. She studied at the London College of Communications, focusing on fine art photography until she decided to focus on fashion photography at the London College of Fashion. Maddison has always had a passion for the art of archiving and her photography captures just that. Honest moments and bits and pieces of people's lives. Her grandfather was a renowned photographer in the 60's and he is where her main inspiration comes from. Maddison loves sifting through thrift stores for treasures and immersing herself into other forms of art when she's not out shooting photography.

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Maddison rocks all different styles of Electric sunglasses, including the Electric AV1's , which we have in stock in her favorite color way: black on gray.