Spotlight on Electric Snow Team: Mark Sollors

Spotlight on Electric Snow Team: Mark Sollors

Grant Lambert |

In the current snowboarding industry today, for a rider to make it in the big game one normally needs to have a specialized way of riding, i.e.: specific tricks that not everyone can do,using prescription sunglasses the ability to dominate one aspect of snowboarding, etc. However, some of the riders like Mark Sollors literally stomp everything that is put in front of them. Sollors can ride street, back country, big jumps, rails and more. He did grow up in the crisp, frozen tundra of the Canadian outpost...Kelowna, B.C. to be exact, so there wasn't much else to do besides picking up a winter sport. Even now after only a few years into Sollors' professional career as a snowboarder, he has put out one huge stack of magazine cover shots and video parts that are multifaceted beyond belief.

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Sollors is one of the 15 featured riders in Burton Snowboards' newest 9-part web series that launches on September 16th this year. Sollors will be riding in a part with fellow team rider Alek Oestreng, dropping on October 28th. Unfortunately we have to wait until then to watch his full part in the series, but Burton just launched their trailer for the series titled 'The Teaser' and it is definitely worth a watch or two to get you excited!
